Whistleblower Blog

Letter to the Inside (NXIVM)
This letter was sent to a select few friends on ‘the inside’ (true-believers) 16 days before Keith Raniere was arrested on March 26th, 2018. I sent it mostly to lower ranks, because I knew they would have to report it up the chain of command. If I only sent it to the top of the organization, they would have blocked it. This letter was my final attempt to try and wake my friends up before the arrests began…

My Statement at Nancy Salzman's Sentencing
I believe in resurrection. I believe you need deprogramming (to use your terms) Perhaps you have already started that journey. You need to study malignant narcissism, coercive control and trauma bonding and you need to be curious about your own psychopathology.
Photo © Mark Vicente

My Statement at Keith Raniere's Sentencing
Keith Raniere - You have done irreparable harm to peoples psyches. To their self-esteem, their belief in themselves and their experience of sanity and well being. Their qualia of existence.
Photo © Mark Vicente

Abusing our Existential Crisis
This crisis will give rise to a plethora of Cults and Cult Leaders.

Stepping out.
It’s time now to spend more time out in the light. The fresh air of well intended goodness. SEE INDEX OF ALL EPISODES - IN ORDER.

A Wolf in Saints clothing.
They begin looking for clues as to when the person took a turn towards the dark side. As though, at first, there was some kind of purity which late began eroding.

The World is Watching
‘Terrorism by Litigation’ Lawyers, Private Investigators, Amateur Spies, Devoted Zealots and Flying Monkeys

What the Bleep 2017!?
I will continue holding my middle finger up to all the abusers in the world as I regain my spirit of belief in the goodness of humanity. 2018, it's good to meet you.

How the BLEEP did that happen?! - Episode 29
To establish rapport with potential victims... they need to match their target's nonverbal behavior, leaning forward, listening carefully to their target's words, and intentionally using similar language.

How the BLEEP did that happen?! - Episode 27
Denouncing the filmmakers and their interviewees. A complete list of Film/Television Resources

How the BLEEP did that happen?! - Episode 26
This circle can also be called CIRCULAR LOGIC.

How the BLEEP did that happen?! - Episode 25
An empty shell you imbued with the best of your own transcendent beautiful qualities.

How the BLEEP did that happen?! - Episode 23
The leader who appeals to a groups 'religious' early subconscious memories can do untold damage.

How the BLEEP did that happen?! - Episode 22
"If you act like a Guru.... then you can become like a Guru...."

How the BLEEP did that happen?! - Episode 21
The Spiritual Narcissist places themselves as an intermediary between you and 'God'.